Cotton Lavender

Santolina Chamaecyparissus


Santolina chamaecyparissus, is also known as cotton lavender or lavender-cotton.  It is a species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae and is native to the western and central Mediterranean.

This evergreen is a small, aromatic, low-spreading shrub with a compact habit.  The leaves are oblong and silvery-grey in colour and appear divided into tiny segments.  The sunny, button-like, yellow flowers are produced on long stalks in summer and create a spectacular visual display when planted en-masse.

It’s also a great plant for borders, edging and growing in pots, with the added sensory attraction of gentle movement when it catches the breezes.

Plant in fertile, well-drained soils in a sunny position. Water regularly but note that they do not like prolonged wet feet, especially in winter.  Remove dead flower heads and it can be clipped into shape after flowering.

As with other lavenders, the cotton lavender is not only striking visually, its fragrance is also particularly attractive and flowers can be cut for vases or even dried and used inside the home as a natural air freshener.

