Malaysian Orchid
Medinilla Magnifica

There are about 375 species of Medinilla occurring in the world, with the Philippines having 80 species and is regarded as the centre of diversity of the genus.
Medinilla magnifica is arguably the most famous and flamboyant species of the genus. This plant is absolutely beautiful and some in the ARD team are obsessed with it! It has stunning flowers and huge pink pendulous bracts and is one of the Philippine species. It like a very warm, humid microclimate and has been seen growing in Sydney. It is an extremely popular indoor plant in North America and Europe and will be here as well we are sure – as more people get to know it and it becomes more readily available.

Medinilla magnifica will grow to over 2m and does best where soil can dry in between watering as over-watering can be a problem. As many will grow this plant indoors as a potted plant, try immersing the pot in water for 10 minutes once a week. Drain well before returning to its saucer.
If growing outdoors avoid temperatures below 12C and avoid direct sun as these are a great understory plant and prefer filtered light. Plants should be deadheaded after the flowers have died and this is also a great time to fertilise.
Medinilla magnifica
Medinilla magnifica is arguably the most famous and flamboyant species of the genus.
Mahonia Japonica
Mahonia japonica is a beautiful species of flowering plant that belongs in the Berberidacea family, native to Taiwan.
Hakea Bucculenta
Hakea bucculenta is commonly known as ‘red pokers’ and is a large evergreen shrub in the family Proteaceae, which is endemic to Western Australia.
Eremophila lachnocalyx
A flowering plant in the figwort family Scrophulariaceae and is an erect, spreading shrub.
Begonia maculata
Begonia maculata or Polka Dot begonia as it’s often called, is a stunning show-stopper to grow in your garden or have as an indoor pot-plant.
Dry Climate Lover
Naturally a ghostly wax colour and olive green in hot sunny conditions.
A Succulent Shrub
These plants grow well in containers and will require repotting every few years.
Santolina Chamaecyparissus
A species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae and is native to the western and central Mediterranean.
Euphorbia characias
It’s a great accent or focal point plant and is also great for borders and rock and gravel gardens.
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