Phylica Pubescens

Phylica pubescens is more commonly known as Featherhead and is a beautiful dense, evergreen shrub that grows to approximately 1 metre tall and 70cm wide. Featherhead is a wonderful filler plant and can also be an accent plant because of its amazing sun-catching properties. The leaves of this bush are densely covered with fine hairs, each hair gather the sunlight and the shrub seems to glow. The fine hairs seem to become crowded at the branch tips and the branch ends with a flattened feathery flowerhead which are produced in Autumn and Winter. The flowers have a faint cinnamon scent. Fruits then follow the flowers and turn green to brown when ripe and split open to reveal the seed.
Featherhead is a waterwise plant that likes a full sun position with well drained acidic soil with a low PH. It is a great plant to use in natural bush gardens, for mass planting, borders and hedges, and it also looks great growing in pots.
Lagerstroemia, is commonly known as Crepe Myrtle and there is a genus of around 50 species of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs.
Leucadendron laureolum hybrid
This shrub requires a full sun position and well-draining soil and has low water requirements once the plant is established.
Mahonia Japonica
Mahonia japonica is a beautiful species of flowering plant that belongs in the Berberidacea family, native to Taiwan.
Phylica Pubescens
Featherhead is a waterwise plant that likes a full sun position with well drained acidic soil with a low PH.
Pittosporum Crassifolium
Pittosporum crassifolium is commonly known as Karo, and is a small evergreen tree or shrub that is native to New Zealand.
Rex Begonia
An evergreen, rhizomatous perennial with an upright habit, and magnificent, vibrant foliage.
Pennisetum Alopecuroides ‘Nafray’
Native to Australia and not to be confused with the South African variety of Foxtail Grass (Pennisetum setaceum).
Eucalyptus Woodwardia
This non-allergenic accent tree loves the sun and attracts bees, butterflies and birds.
Hydrangea Quercifolia
A dramatic statement in any garden, giving a glorious accent of woodland vibes to all gardens it grows in.