All Blacks

Style with Plant Colour


There is no better way to add contrast and drama to your garden than using plants that feature black foliage attention-grabbers. Black plants are strangely seductive, visually powerful, unusual and strikingly good looking, they often have amazing texture and instantly smarten up any outdoor space.

When black plants are paired with lime and light greens, silvery sage, yellows, copper, rust and pink foliage plants, the dazzling contrast effect creates maximum impact!  By weaving dark flowering and black foliage plants throughout your garden you create more than just interest, they also add intrigue and chic sophistication. We’ve collected some of our favourites for you…


  1. Aeonium arboreum 'Black Rose': Striking rosettes that look like flowers and are made up of waxy leaves.

  2. Black Bamboo: Great texture and best planted in garden beds.

  3. Cordyline australia Black Knight: Deep purple strappy leaves make for a dramatic accent plant.

  4. Cercis canadensis 'Ruby Falls': Deciduous shrubs or small trees with heart-shaped leaves.

  5. Begonia 'Black Fang': A flowering tropical plant with dark and unusual shape foliage.

  6. Purple / scarlet Kale: A beautiful strain of kale with leaves that intensify with colder weather.

  7. Oxalis triangularis Purple: A photophilic plant with leaves that unfold at night and close with light.

  8. Black Mondo grass: A clumping plant with thick tufts of arching black leaves.

  9. Colocasia esculenta 'Black Magic': Makes a wonderful statement with its heart shaped, purple black leaves.

