Eucalyptus Poles

Sustainable Materials for Your Garden

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Everyone here at ARD are always on the hunt for great new sustainable materials to use in our garden designs. Recently we came across Eucalyptus poles from Touchwood Trading in Avalon Beach, Sydney and Eucalyptus Latte Poles from Ecostix in the Byron Bay hinterland, Northern NSW.

The poles are sustainably sourced, selectively hand-harvested, plantation Eucalyptus grandis poles that are kiln dried and Tan E treated.  They are elegant, durable and easy to work with and are suitable for both interior and exterior applications.  Commonly used for screening, pergolas, soffit lining and fencing.

Due to the nature of the procuring process it is not practical to obtain this product within Australia. All Ecostix latte poles come from South African plantation Eucalyptus.  Sustainably sourced to ensure wild forests are left intact and protected from deforestation whilst also promoting divergence away from tropical hardwood use.  Eucalyptus grandis is a timber species that has been cultivated in South Africa for a number of years, given it is commercially unavailable in Australia due to historical land clearing.

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Touch Wood Trading
Avalon Beach, Sydney NSW

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Ecostix Timber
Byron Bay Hinterland, NSW

